Buy/Sell/Lease/Rent/Maintain/Move all types of computer hardware and parts/cabling
Single point of contact for every customer ensures seamless and responsive service
Expertise in IBM, HP, Dell, Cisco, Hitachi, STK, EMC, Oracle, and most other manufacturers
Enterprise platforms include data center, networking/voice, POS, PC desktop, and DR
Statement of Work projects include data center and other building moves/closures
Consulting services for IT infrastructure, DR planning/testing, and systems programming
Programs for ongoing purchases, maintenance, hot sparing, and other creative solutions
Provides GREEN End of Life asset management services on all enterprise IT equipment
Using surplus IT hardware to pay for needed services resulting in cost-neutral projects
Inventory services, including serialized audits with certified tape & HD wiping on/off site
Specializing in both incoming and outgoing legacy hardware and services
Buy/sell tape media, hard drives, racks, cabling, parts and peripherals
Our Principal and techs have over 30 years experience with enterprise-sized companies
Strong established business relationships with many of the “Fortune 500” companies
Conducts business nationally and internationally
DCI’s independence from manufacturers allows us to weigh hardware options objectively and to price our services at around half of what they charge
Experience, knowledge and service, coupled with competitive pricing, give Dow Computers the tools necessary to build long term relationships with the world’s best companies.
9 AM - 5 PM PST, Monday - Friday
Our Support and Sales team is available 7x24 to answer your questions